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HOFFORK - Fork Connectors

The trusses from the system HOFFORK impress with high load capacity, and also in more comfortable and faster assembly.
The fork connectors welded in the truss can be stuck easily into each other and attach with a pin.
The result is a connection over which even the largest loads can be derived.
Application for this kind of trusses are large stage roofs, large pre rigs, big ground-supports and for all constructions with a maximum wingspan in combination with a maximum payload.

4-Point truss built from 48,3x4,5mm main tubes and 25x3mm bracing. Often used as tower-truss and for stages. 

HOFFORK 350-5 is designed for hanging LED walls or other heavy loads central in the truss. This will give fewer opportunities to bring in...

4 Point fork connected truss built from 48,3x4,5mm main tubes and 30x3mm bracing. 

4-Point fork connected truss built from 60x5mm main tubes and 40x3mm bracing

20 tons on 30 metres. 150 metres of truss in a truck. The BBT can carry 60% more load than previous comparable trusses.